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writing and reading reflections.

This link is where the piece of writing that I am most proud of so far this year is at. It’s a google slide that I worked on for my multi-genre project. It’s my favorite piece of writing because it was fun to write and I didn’t have to stress too much on it. Also because it has fun stickers on it that I got to choose but that was pretty stressful having to find stickers that matched the slides. Such as concentration camp cause my topic was about Anne Frank who was a Jewish girl who wrote in her diary during her time in hiding. Another reason I love this piece of writing so much is because it brought out joy in me that I usually don’t have while writing something, it also wasn’t hard leading to that it was my 3rd multi-genre product which was our last one, and as my siblings would say it was “a breeze.” There are many more reasons that I love this piece of writing but that would go on and on for a while, but I’m going to leave it here. So, therefore, those are my reasons why this is my proudest/important piece of writing that I have achieved so far this year.

Anne Frank


   Anne Frank was one of many people captured in world war ll, she and her family decided to hide from the Nazis when Anne’s sister Margot Frank got a letter in the mail ordering her to work at a camp in Germany. As it states here on history channel, “In 1942, Frank and her family went into hiding in a secret apartment behind her father’s business in German-occupied Amsterdam. The Franks were discovered in 1944 and sent to concentration camps.” You can see that the Franks stayed hidden for 2 years until being discovered by the Nazis.     

              People wondered who told on Anne Frank and her family. Willem Van Maaren, exposed where the Franks were hiding. On the website “TheGuardian”, it states this “For decades suspicion centered on a man called Willem Van Maaren, who worked in the warehouse attached to the Franks’ hiding place. But two police investigations – one immediately after the war and another in the 1960s – turned up nothing and Van Maaren died in 1971 professing his innocence.”  

The museum of Anne frank at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam, which was the home that she and her family hid in, now it’s converted into a museum of her. Containing her Diary, and a few other notebooks that are on display at the museum. In 1960 the franks house opened its doors as a museum, but of Otto’s request, the annex stayed empty. But before Anne’s secret hiding home was turned into a museum, 7 others lived with Anne frank. Before there were discovered by the Gestapo. 

          Anne’s Dairy explains a lot of things such as her difficult relationship with her mother, things that were written such as” confront her with her carelessness, her sarcasm, and her hard-heartedness,” she also wrote in her diary saying, “She’s not a mother to me.” she later saw what she did was wrong and wrote”Anne, is it really you who mentioned hate, oh Anne, how could you?” with this realization Anne began to treat her mother with more respect and love.


By November 6, 2019.  No Comments on Anne Frank  Uncategorized   

edublog challenge

This weeks task is to make  an avatar, and I made my avatar from this website named charat. Also I tried to make as realistic as I could make it to resemble it to myself.  On the website lets you design a lot of things like clothing, and hairstyle. Also I I would definitely recommend using this app because of all the things Cuz of all the things that lets you do. Here is my avatar that I made using this website.

Goals In Life

            The goals that I have for myself this year are focusing in class, another goal I have for myself this year is pushing myself out of my comfort zone, cause I’m a person who doesn’t like to share my writing in front of everyone.  So for this year I hope to share my writing more, but I do like to share my writing with friends. Another goal I have for myself is excelling in every class and overcoming my fears that I have and doing things that I usually wouldn’t do or am too afraid to do. I also want to make more friends this year and I also want to make more friends from different schools in the district. The things I want to improve this year is participating more in class and to share my writing more and to read more books and to achieve the goals that I have set for myself this year.

                 Also, when we did the mindset stances I felt like being optimistic is the most important because when you optimistic then you can do something with a good mindset, and that makes the outcome better. I also think that empathy and resilience are important too because resilience means when you recover quickly from difficulties and empathy means when you can understand what someone else is going through and you can imagine being in their shoes. I also learned that every mindset stance comes with some sort of disadvantage, and I also learned that there has been a lot of famous failures and that they didn’t give up or listen to what other people said about them and followed their dreams and they became successful, and that taught me to never give up in life and to always get back up when I fail. 

                  What I want to see when I look into the future is me being a better person and accomplishing most of my dreams on my bucket list, and the things on my Dreamboard such as Zorbing,Scuba diving, going to Rome having an exotic pet . Also having a job that I can wake up and enjoy going to everyday, and also having a happy family.  

           As a person I’m caring I’m also really welcoming. I like to go on adventures, live my life to the fullest, and I love to do you sports such as cheerleading and as a fun way to pass time I like to play soccer with my family I love to spend time with my family and read. I don’t really like to play tennis that much and I don’t like going on airplanes at all or going on long car rides. Those are the goal that I have for myself in life. 


By September 27, 2019.  No Comments on Goals In Life  Uncategorized